Back2School - Headlice Prevention

We all know kids get excited and love to go back to school but as parent, one thing we DON'T love is headliceTreating nits isn’t anybody’s favourite job, but with our wide range of headlice products we can help make getting rid of nits a breeze.

At Cate's Chemist we stock a few different brands for all headlice needs as well as recently introducing a 100% natural, very popular and effective kit making it as easy as possible for both children and adults to prevent and terminate headlice quickly and effectively. 

The Liceorator is locally owned and made in North Queensland with outstanding reviews and is now available in instore and online. The natural lice treatments are perfect for all hair types and best of all there are three types to choose from within the range including a two in one conditioning lice spray to prevent picking up lice. We know the Liceorator will turn heads for many mums making something that can be an absolute nightmare a bit simpler.

Shop here to checkout our full range of headlice products and much more to protect your family.